The kids commercial, “What Do You Love About Tiger Schulmann’s” was written and directed by Alon Feder. It won a Jersey Award for “Excellence In Advertising.
Not only did this commercial win this prestigious award, it performed incredibly well! When this commercial runs, leads to the locations double and sales increase by 50%!
One funny anecdote about the production of this commercial was…We figured we’re a bunch of older guys who aren’t so in touch with what kids really love about the program, so we asked the instructors to find out from their students. “What do you love about Tiger Schulmann’s?” We decided we’d pick out the top 5 things and feature them. The following week, the instructors came back with, “I like the discipline,” “I like having better focus,” “I like the non-quitting spirit.” Basically, they were repeating what they are instructed in their class. Great job, kids! We all had a laugh at our weekly meeting and the instructors were then told, “Find out what they tell their friends that they love about Tiger Schulmann’s.” Those gems are what you see featured in the final product.
“What Do You Love About Tiger Schulmann’s?”
Alon Feder